Contact me

Please contact me if you would like to discuss counselling in more detail. All messages are confidential.

Either fill in the enquiry form, email me at or call me on 07521 026021.


I offer a free initial phone consultation. Sessions are 50 minutes long.

Face to face: Individuals £45 or Couples £65
Online: Individuals £35 and Couples £55

“Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.”

– Eric Berne, Founder of Transactional Analysis

Why counselling?

Counselling can help you move forward from any challenges you may experience, leaving you to live your life fully. Additionally, it can provide a space for you to work through your problems, without judgement, in a way friends and family can’t. Ultimately, counselling can help you regain balance and a sense of wellbeing in your life.

Whether it’s to book your initial consultation or just to learn more about the therapy I offer, I look forward to hearing from you. Most importantly, it’s never too late to seek help if you need it.